
Time period 1996-1999



NEK AD - "Trafoelectro-invest"

Main control center - Erection and commissioning of SCADA system in fourteen substations

"Heat and Power Supply - Sofia" AD

"Sofia - Iztok" TPP - Design of spare power supply of heating installations

АВВ Ltd.

"Chaika" Substation - Design, erection and commissioning of 110 kV switchgear - secondary connection and SCADA system

NEK AD - "Trafoelectro-invest"

"Asenovgrad" Substation - Design, erection and commissioning of AC and DC auxiliary power supply panels, control and relay panels

VMZ- AD - Sopot

"Karnare" Substation - Design, erection and commissioning of relay panel for 110/20 kV power transformer

NEK AD - "Trafoelectro-invest"

"Bononia" Substation - Design, erection and commissioning of control and relay panels, commissioning of 110 kV switchyard


“Kozloduy” NPP - commissioning of 110 kV overhead transmission line "Raketa"

NEK AD - "Trafoelectro-invest"

"Vidin 1" Substation - Design, erection and commissioning of relay panels for four 110 kV overhead transmission lines

NEK AD - "Trafoelectro-invest"

"Vidin 2" Substation - Design, erection and commissioning of control and relay panels and marshalling boxes, commissioning of 110 kV switchyard

NEK AD - "Trafoelectro-invest"

"Pioner" Substation - Commissioning of 110 kV switchyard and 20 kV and 10 kV switchgear

NEK AD - "Trafoelectro-invest"

"Plovdiv - Center" Substation - Design, erection and commissioning of AC and DC panels, control and relay panels


“Kozloduy” NPP - commissioning of generator circuit breakers in BGT - 7 and BGT - 8 - block IV

"Petrohan" television center

Erection and commissioning of 20 kV switchgear - manufactured by ABB

"Trafel" AD

"Sofia - Iztok" TPP - Design for reconstruction of 110 kV switchyard

"Heat and Power Supply - Sofia" AD

"Zemliane" Heat and Power Supply - Erection and commissioning of relay protections for power transformers

"Enemona M" - Kozloduy

“Kozloduy” NPP - Commissioning of 220 kV and 400 kV switchyards. Replacement of circuit breakers of feeders 3, 5, 19, 21, 35, 47.

"Trafel" AD

"Sofia - Iztok" TPP - Commissioning of 110 kV switchyard

"Trafel" AD

"Sofia - East" TPP - Design of SCADA system of 110 kV switchyard

VMZ- AD - Sopot

"Karnare" Substation - setting of 110 kV overhead transmission line relay protections

"Heat and Power Supply - region Lulin"

“Moderno predgradie” Heat and Power Supply - replacement of 6.3 kV Motor protections by static relay protections - ABB supply

“Heat and Power Supply - V.Tarnovo”

“V. Tarnovo” Termal Power Supply - Design, erection and commissioning of capacitor bank and supervision of steam boilers air fans upgrade - supplier “Group Schneider”

"Trafel" AD

"Sofia - East" TPP - Design of Underfrequency Protection (Load shedding)

"Heat and Power Supply - region Lulin"

"Luilin" Heat and Power Supply - replacement of motor protections with static ones, delivered by АВВ - design, erection and commissioning

"Trafel" AD

”Sofia - East” TPP - Execution of the project for remote supervisory control of 110 kV switchyard


DSK Bank-Central Administration -Sofia - Power electrical installation for supply of computer network: assembling and erection of switchboards and cables. Design, erection and testing of computer network earthing

VMZ- AD - Sopot

“Sopot” Substation - 110 kV Switchyard - Design - primary and secondary connection

STCT “Electrotransport” “Transenergy” -section

“Pioner” Substation - 10 kV Switchgear - Equipment supply erection and commissioning works.

“Geovodengineer-ing” Ltd.,

“Freshwater fish breeding” - Plovdiv Power supply of 22 kW pumps

"Heat and Power Supply - Sofia" AD

"Zemliane" Heat and Power Supply – Reconstruction of 6 kV switchgear, 220 VDC auxiliary supply and new mimic diagram - design

“Tehnomilk” AD, Sofia

Department for manifacturing of milk production of “ELBI Bulgaricum” – indoor electrical installations - Vidin

Munition Factory “Sopot”

“Sopot” Substation - 110 kV Switchyard - erection and commissioning works.

"Trafel" AD

“Kozloduy” NPP - Replacement of circuit breakers – erection and commissioning works in 220 kV switchyard, feeders No.1, 7 and 15

NEK AD - "Trafoelectro-invest"

TzarevetzSubstation- Commissioning and putting into operation of Transformer T2 400/110/31,5 kV

“Sofia - East” TPP

"Sofia - East” TPP -Reconstruction works - Design, deliveries, erection works (secondary connection) and commissioning of 6 kV switchgear, TG4, 0,4 kV Auxiliary supply, 6 kV ATS and 0,4 kV ATS

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